Using Data to Fight Homelessness in the Netherlands

Image Credits: ROOM FOR CHANGE

Partner Organization: ROOM FOR CHANGE
Team: 4 Data Scientists (Correlaid), 2 Domain Experts (ROOM FOR CHANGE), 1 Project Coordinator (Correlaid), 1 Project Planner (Correlaid)
Topic: Data management for Impact Monitoring
Skills: Business Intelligence, Data Engineering, Google toolbox (Looker)
Project start: 1 October 2023
Project End: 31 Jan 2024 (4 months)
Place: Remote
Project Goals/Achievements: Structured data collection in google sheets.
A Looker dashboard to monitor impact: Current program participation count, inflow and outflow of participants, availability of hotel rooms, the program’s KPI’s.


In 2023, we joined forces with ROOM FOR CHANGE (previously GiveMe5), an initiative providing economically homeless individuals with temporary housing in partnership with the hospitality industry.


ROOM FOR CHANGE collaborates with hotels to offer one or multiple rooms for stays of three to six months, allowing participants to transition away from life on the streets towards stable housing. In partnership with social organisations, like De Regenboog Groep in Amsterdam, comprehensive support for each participant is ensured, fostering self-reliance with a nominal rent.


The Partnership - Automating Data Management

Faced with the challenges of inconsistent and non-centralized data, our partnership aimed to bolster ROOM FOR CHANGE’s impact by implementing technological solutions. Such data management challenges are not unusual in the non-profit sector, yet overcoming them unlocks the ability to monitor impacts effectively and thus report outcomes to stakeholders and attract new funding.

With guidance and insights from the team at ROOM FOR CHANGE, our volunteers focused on automating ROOM FOR CHANGE’s data management processes, from streamlining data capture to cleansing historical records and developing automated reporting mechanisms. As a result, ROOM FOR CHANGE now benefits from a unified and centralised data management system, better positioning the organisation to support more economically homeless individuals in the forthcoming year.

We’re excited to share a glimpse of the impact now measurable: from 2022 to 2023 the number of participants who have been given a roof over their heads has increased by a significant 20%. Further insights will be unveiled in the upcoming ROOM FOR CHANGE report.

Getting support from Correlaid was extremely valuable: we learned a lot and now finally have a system in which we can collect our data and get insights in our work. We are very grateful for the support of Correlaid!



The transition to the automated system means ROOM FOR CHANGE can now allocate more time to make impactful decisions and focus on expansion, ultimately amplifying its contribution to society. This project not only improved ROOM FOR CHANGE’s operations but also highlighted the transformative potential of tech in the social sector.

The CorrelAidNL team extends special thanks to Roos Meijer and Djony Jaegers from the ROOM FOR CHANGE team for their support during the scoping, information gathering and feedback phases of this project.

Inspired by the synergy between CorrelAidNL and ROOM FOR CHANGE? If you’re working in the hotel industry looking to make a difference or are keen to develop tech skills while contributing to meaningful projects, we invite you to get in touch. Join our mission to leverage technology for social good!

As we continue growing our community we continue to take on more and more projects with Dutch as well as international NGOs. Read about our completed and ongoing projects on our site: projects

If you want to know more about Correlaid drop us a message

CorrelAid Volunteers: Susanne Tak, Johanna Ott, Dipen Chawla, David Lever, Anastasiia Kulakova (project scoping), Mirjam Quaak (coordinator)
ROOM FOR CHANGE: Roos Meijer, Djony Jaegers

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