Stichting Correlaid Nederland is pending a Public Benifit Organisation (dutch: ANBI) status. Any donations made after the approval of its ANBI status may be partially or fully deducted from taxable income.


Statuatory name: Stichting Correlaid Nederland
Chamber of Commerce registration number: 76991598
RSIN/Tax number: 860865320
Banking details: NL94INGB0007142184
Swift code: INGBNL2A

Policy plan 2022

Throughout 2022 Stichting Correlaid Nederland will focus on meeting its objective of supporting skilled data science volunteering at social NGO’s and organizations in one or more of the following areas: to connect data scientists with the NGO’s and organizations, facilitate the scoping of the volunteering project, assist the volunteer in the their voluntary work, organize hackathons, workshops and meetups to train volunteers, inform social organizations on the possibilities of data science and to promote the stichting.

The Board of Directors and core team will meet in person bimonthly when not restricted by measures to combat Covid-19, and electronically on a weekly basis.


Stichting Correlaid Nederland will raise funds through donations and applying for grants.

Deployment of Funds

Stichting Correlaid Nederland will deploy its funds primarily for the following costs:

  • Organising workshops to scope projects
  • Organising workshops and conferences to further our goals

Stichting Correlaid Nederland will also deploy its funds for operational costs such as:

  • Banking fees
  • Public transport travel expenses within the Netherlands for their volunteers

The Board of Directors does not receive any remuneration, either directly or indirectly.